We make your perfect water.
We make your perfect water.

Our environmental code
Ecological. Sustainable. Transparent.

We are committed to the environment

  • As far as possible, our business decisions respect environmental protection to the same extent as other company objectives.
  • Environmental aspects are integrated with the decision-making and organisational structure of our corporate governance.
  • Supervisors act as crucial role models with line responsibility.
  • All employees are asked to act in an eco-conscious manner.
  • We update our employees about environmental measures and motivate them to be self-responsible and ecologically aware at their workplace.

We check regularly

  • Within the scope of our planning, steering and control system, we regularly and quantifiably check the progress made in operational environmental protection.
  • We also monitor the effects on the local community.

We develop and act eco-consciously

  • When developing our products, environmental safety is an important part of the requirements profile. Environmental safety refers to the manufacturing processes and the active ingredients used.
  • Suitable technical and organisational measures reduce the amount of waste, residual material and waste water to a minimum.

We work with the general public

  • We integrate suppliers and service providers with our aspirations for improved environmental protection.
  • We tell our customers about the environmental aspects of our products.
  • We cooperate with the authorities and the public in terms of environmental protection.
  • All the information necessary for understanding our company’s environmental impact is available to the public.

Service Center

We can help quickly and competently.

Your contact: 
Dr. Andreas Detig
Managing director
Phone: +49 (0) 89 899 369-0
E-mail: a.detig@aqua-concept-gmbh.eu