We make your perfect water.
We make your perfect water.

Numerous patents filed underline our vision of sustainable water treatment

Product-specific and market-optimised positioning not only makes it necessary to copyright our ideas, innovations, costly development processes or simply our expertise, it also underlines our unconditional determination to make the world of water treatment and water conditioning better for humans and the environment.

Our numerous patents filed therefore focus on developing environmentally friendly substances and products. We want to replace established, yet sometimes hazardous inhibitors by variants that are equally powerful but environmentally safer. Our GreenProducts are big steps bringing us closer to this goal.

Service Center

We can help quickly and competently.

Your contact:
Dipl. Chem. Thomas Porada
Head of Research & Development
Phone: +49 89.899 369 180
E-mail: t.porada@aqua-concept-gmbh.eu


Antifreeze measurements of heat transfer fluids compliant with the ASTM D 1177 standard

We now offer professional antifreeze measurements down to –70°C compliant with the ASTM D 1177 standard. We test ethylene glycols, monopropylene glycols, ethanols, but also other mixes using an automatic low-temperature PLC cryostat. Single and standard-compliant double determinations are possible. We provide you with a detailed analysis report and valid results to assess your system’s frost protection level.
Find out more...


Service Center

We can help quickly and competently.

Your contact: 
Dr. Andreas Detig
Managing director
Phone: +49 (0) 89 899 369-0
E-mail: a.detig@aqua-concept-gmbh.eu