We make your perfect water.
We make your perfect water.

Product optimisation
Customer-centric. Unerring. Pinpointed.

Industry spends around 6% of its turnover on quality assurance. However, only the smallest part of that goes into error avoidance, meaning that the majority of investments in quality assurance is spent on troubleshooting. This is a stark contrast to the finding that 70% of all quality issues could have been prevented if precautions had been taken during the design and planning stages.

Not all water is alike and not all systems are alike.

To this effect, our aim is to continuously optimise our products and processes and to provide our customers with a perfect use- and application-optimised solution.
Because not all water alike and every system and process has its own peculiarities. It is not always possible to use a product off the shelf. Therefore, we optimise our products not only on the basis of new research or in terms of statutory provisions, but also in a goal-oriented and customised manner. Our substantiated expertise about how constituents and combinations of active ingredients work enables us to promptly find application-specific solutions.
We are constantly sharing opinions and experience with clients and partners to develop customer-centric, error-tolerant and robust products with a precise fit.


Service Center

We can help quickly and competently.

Your contact: 
Dr. Andreas Detig
Managing director
Phone: +49 (0) 89 899 369-0
E-mail: a.detig@aqua-concept-gmbh.eu